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Our Bath Seat Pads comein blue (9601B-R) andwhite (9601W-R) andadd some extra paddingto your shower bench orchair so you can bathesafely and comfortably
Prevent slips and falls withthis suction-grip bath mat. Itattaches securely to yourtub and is even anti-fungal.
• Extra long 84” reinforcedhose allows user to showerwhile seated• 5 Settings: Regular/Shower Spray / Massage /Water Drip / Shower Stop• Includes wall mountingholder• On/Off switch allows forwater flow control
• Extra long 84” reinforced hose allowsuser to shower while seated• On/Off switch allows for water flowcontrol• Includes wall mounting holder• 5 Settings: Regular, Shower Spray,Massage, Water Drip, Shower Stop(9311-R only)
• Provides support and balance when entering or exiting thetub or shower• Can be attached to either side of the 9100-R or 9120-R
The Tub Grab Bar is made to perfectly fit onyour tub. It’s made of powder-coated steeland has rubber contact points. Grab a holdand get into and out of your bathtub safely!
• Showerhead is in easy reachwhen seated or bathingchildren• Suction cup can be quicklyremoved and relocated asoften as you like• Convenient when bathingpets or cleaning out the tub• Works on surfaces that areflat, smooth and non-poroussuch as tile, glass, mirror,fiberglass and...
Our 12 Inch Suction CupGrab Bar is a great optionfor home or travel. It canbe quickly installed andremoved - no toolsrequired! Best of all, it hasa secure suctionindicator, which displaysgreen for secure and redfor not secure. Bring thisgrab bar along for bathroomsafety everywhere
• Attaches securely totub surface and helpsprevent slipping• Anti-fungal treated• 15.75”w x 27.5”l
• Attaches securely to tub surface andhelps prevent slipping• Anti-fungal treated• 15.75”w x 27.5”l
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